Why subscribe?

I am a surgical resident living in New York City, but before I became a doctor, I was a writer. I’ve been writing since I could figure out how to hold a pencil, and lately I’ve decided I want to share my reflections with others.

People often think of doctors in one of two ways: cold and calculating in their distance from others’ emotions, or self-sacrificing “heroes” who will silently martyr themselves for strangers. But like everyone else, we, too, are only human. We love, hope, and dream, and we also hate, fear, and doubt.

Brief Op Notes is an exploration of my experiences as a surgical resident, as I witness life, death, and everything in between.

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Where Can I Read New Essays?

Previously, I published my writing on Wordpress - I have recently moved to the Substack platform for various reasons, but mainly because I find it to be a more collaborative and supportive writing community. This doesn’t change anything for you, the reader - in fact, it should make it easier!

New essays will be sent directly to your inbox every few weeks.

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Important Disclosures

The content on this publication represents my own personal views and is not representative of my institution.

All names, PHI, and personal details have all been changed to prevent identification of individuals.

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Personal essays on being a doctor, taking care of others, and becoming a surgeon


Shruti is a surgical resident physician based in New York City. She is passionate about storytelling and narratives of shared humanity. She writes Brief Op Notes and The Novel Tea Newsletter.